Ward E. Leber

Ward Leber is a prominent figure in the field of child safety and advocacy. He is the Founder & Chairman of the Professional Advisory Board for the Child Safety NetworkTM (CSNTM), where he utilizes his expertise in child safety, public safety, security, and anti-domestic terrorism. Leber’s passion for child advocacy stemmed from a personal tragedy when his best friend’s son was abducted and murdered by a serial child killer. This event compelled him to dedicate his life to being a “Full-Time Child Advocate” for over four decades.

Since 1989, Leber and the CSNTM team have worked tirelessly to provide child safety resources to millions of families. He has selflessly contributed over two million dollars of his own finances to develop a groundbreaking technology that he believes is a revolutionary breakthrough in child safety and parenting. Leber’s charity, established as a private charitable trust and now a 501(c)(3) organization, operates with the lowest costs among national non-profit organizations, entirely relying on donations from corporations and individuals. None of the charity’s members, including Leber, receive a salary.

Leber’s extensive child advocacy work spans 35 years and includes the development of numerous programs and services. Many of his initiatives have been recognized and documented in the Library of Congress. He has collaborated with various government entities, such as the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Postal Service, the United Nations, and both the House and Senate. Leber has been acknowledged on 66 occasions by Congress for his innovative contributions and expertise in pediatric injury prevention and child advocacy.

As a certified trainer by the Department of Homeland Security, Leber focuses on Anti-Terrorism training for transportation professionals, particularly those involved with the 500,000 school buses transporting 26 million students annually. Additionally, he leads the U.S. Senate’s bipartisan effort for National School Bus Safety Month every September. Leber has testified before Congress as an expert witness on the use of federal funds for missing and abused children and has served on the U.S. Attorney General’s Advisory Board on Missing and Exploited Children. He has created impactful public service announcements and launched statewide and national child safety educational campaigns, reaching millions of parents through CSN, PTA, and major corporate sponsors.

Leber’s dedication to child safety has garnered numerous awards and recognitions, including the International Peace Pole from worldpeace.org for his efforts in promoting an International Declaration of Peace among children. He has also been honored as a Hixson Fellow and Dunlop Fellow for Kiwanis International and actively participated in philanthropic endeavors such as building homes for Habitat for Humanity and supporting initiatives against human trafficking and bullying. Leber’s work has received support from schools, parents, Fortune 500 companies, over 200 celebrities, and unanimous approval from the United States Senate for ten consecutive years, setting a historical record.